
Sunday 28th  April 2024

This service is live-streamed from Perry Street

Series: Conversations with God - we listen in on six conversations between God and His people, recorded by the prophet Malachi.

4. Justice - Malachi 2:17-3:5
So far in the series, we’ve seen the downward spiral that results when God’s people forget His love for them; they lapse into half- hearted worship, which causes broken relationships with those around them. The fourth conversation revolves around the people’s cry for justice, and God’s perfect response. How would you define justice? What kind of injustice makes you particularly furious? Can you remember the first time you felt unfairly wronged as a kid? God’s people in Malachi’s day asked God why the evil nations around them were prospering, while they were facing disaster and ruin (Malachi 2:17). Unfair! Was God aware of the injustices?

Rev. Wayne Dulson preaches with worship led by Roger and the team.



Catch up with the rest of the series at

Thank you for joining us today. 

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